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Reef 2050 Plan

The Australian and Queensland governments’ Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050 Plan) provides an overarching strategy for managing and protecting the Great Barrier Reef.


Reef 2050 vision

The Reef 2050 Plan contains actions, targets, objectives and outcomes to address threats and protect and improve the Reef’s health and resilience, while allowing ecologically sustainable use. The Plan’s vision for the Reef in 2050 is that: The Great Barrier Reef is sustained as a living natural and cultural wonder of the world.

The Plan was developed with advice from the Reef 2050 Plan Independent Expert Panel, Reef 2050 Advisory Committee, a group of Traditional Owners and input from an open public consultation process. The Reef 2050 Plan has ongoing consultation with partners, including Traditional Owners and the resource, ports, fishing, agriculture, local government, research and conservation sectors. 

The Reef 2050 Plan’s progress will be measured against clear objectives and goals that support the Reef’s health and resilience. The Reef 2050 Plan is based on scientific research, analysis and lessons learnt over four decades of management. It is a flexible framework developed in 2015, that is reviewed every five years. This ensures that the Plan remains current and addresses emerging issues equipped with the latest knowledge and science. A mid-term review was also completed in 2018.

In response to the first five-yearly review, the Australian and Queensland governments released the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2021-2025 in December 2021.


Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program

A key foundational component of the Reef 2050 Plan is implementation of the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP, or the Program). RIMReP will provide a comprehensive and up-to-date ecological, social and cultural understanding of the Great Barrier Reef.

The Program’s primary purpose is to drive resilience-based management and track progress against the objectives and goals outlined in the Reef 2050 Plan. Resilience-based management builds on foundational management programs and places a strong emphasis on using the best available information and forecasting tools to adjust management actions to improve Reef health and recovery.

RIMReP is a partnership involving Australian and Queensland government entities together with Traditional Owners. 

Updated 30 Aug 2022
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The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority acknowledges the expertise, wisdom, and enduring connections that have informed the guardianship of the Reef for millennia. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners as the first managers of this land and sea, and value their traditional knowledge which continues to inform the current management and stewardship of the Reef for future generations.