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Frequently asked questions

The Reef Knowledge System is a ‘first-stop shop’ that allows users to easily access a wide range of information about the Great Barrier Reef, including interactive maps, reports, datasets, monitoring and modelling information and guidance tools for Reef managers. 

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has developed the Reef Knowledge System to be the website of the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP or the Program). 
The Program is a joint Australian and Queensland government initiative, which has been designed to target management actions and evaluate the outcomes of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan.  

Anyone can use the system to access up-to-date research and scientific information about the Reef. The system is primarily aimed at Reef managers and stakeholders, to provide them with access to current spatial and technical information.

The Reef 2050 Plan is the Australian and Queensland governments’ overarching strategy for management of the Great Barrier Reef. It provides a strategic framework for governments, industry, scientists, Traditional Owners, and the community to work in partnership to protect and sustain the Reef for future generations.

A key initiative of the Reef 2050 Plan is the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP or the Program). The Program will provide managers with information to guide management decisions and help them track progress against the Reef 2050 Plan. It will also drive better alignment between existing monitoring programs, while helping to fill monitoring and modelling knowledge gaps.

The Reef Knowledge System aims to help protect the Great Barrier Reef by synthesising, integrating, and presenting information in useful ways to better facilitate evidence-based reporting and provide guidance for decision-makers.

RIMReP and its Reef Knowledge System will connect information across domains, enabling more informed decision making to help protect and preserve the Reef for future generations.

The Reef Knowledge System [Getting Started] page may help you navigate the website and provides an overview of its available pages.

The Reef Knowledge System can be used to find information, data, resources, and tools about the Great Barrier Reef. The System also provides progress on the Reef 2050 Plan and highlights RIMReP partner collaborations.

The mapping presented in the Reef Knowledge System has been developed in collaboration between Australia’s lead managers of the Reef and spatial data experts. The maps use the latest available high resolution satellite imagery and other data.

Over time, the system will evolve in response to changes in the Reef’s condition, new science and technologies, and high priority needs of Reef managers and stakeholders. 


Updated 30 Aug 2022
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The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority acknowledges the expertise, wisdom, and enduring connections that have informed the guardianship of the Reef for millennia. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners as the first managers of this land and sea, and value their traditional knowledge which continues to inform the current management and stewardship of the Reef for future generations.