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Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef continue to assert their inherent rights and interests from their continuing connection to Land and Sea Country. As custodians of land and sea, Traditional Owners assert that their special rights and interests extend beyond the definition of ‘stakeholders’.


Reef 2050

The Traditional Owner Implementation Plan outlines actions to achieve Traditional Owners’ aspirations for the Great Barrier Reef as part of the Reef 2050 Plan. The strategic intent of the Traditional Owner Implementation Plan is to empower Traditional Owners and inspire government and industry to actively contribute to protecting the Reef for its cultural and natural values.

It represents a significant departure from a government led planning process to one where Traditional Owners are driving their own priorities for Sea Country management. This departure is acknowledged through the development of a historical timeline and a Traditional Owner Reef narrative. 



Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef are engaged in a variety of programs and projects. Links to some examples are shown below, this is not an exhaustive list.


Planning in the Great Barrier Reef

The Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC)

Dawul Wuru 

Eastern Kuku Yalanji Indigenous Protected Area Management Plan Stage 2 - Jalunjii-Warra Land and Sea Country

Emerging Issues in Land and Sea Management

Girringun Region Indigenous Protected Areas Management Plan 2013-2023

Gunggandji Land and Sea Country Plan

Mandubarra Sea Country Cultural Values

PCCC Corporate Plan 2017-2030

Raine Island NP Scientific Management Statement

Activities in the Great Barrier Reef

Dabu Jajikal Land and Sea Country Planning Project 

Goondoi Junior Rangers Program 

Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger Program — Ranger Locations

Indigenous Protected Areas in Sea Country

Indigenous Ranger Programs

Lama Lama National Park Management Plan 

Wuthathi Caring and Connecting with Land and Culture

Yuku-Baja Muliku - Archer Point


The Journey 

The Journey storyboard takes the viewer through time, starting with the creation of the Great Barrier Reef and moves to the present day where Traditional Owners and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority have shared responsibilities and obligations to maintain a healthy reef for future generations. Traditional Owners come to the table for Sea Country Partnerships with their Lore, customs and heritage values.

The journey takes the viewer through time, starting with the creation of the Great Barrier Reef.
The Journey publication

© Dr Sue Pillans

The Authority comes to the table for Sea Country Partnerships with:

  • Legal instruments through legislation and regulations at the national and international level; and
  • A suite of tools for managing the Marine Park in accordance with their legal obligations.

Traditional Owners and the Great Barrier Reef — ‘The Journey’




Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements (TUMRA)

TUMRA groups with websites include:


Gidarjil (Port Curtis Coral Coast)


Lama Lama





Yuku Baja Muliku

Updated 28 Feb 2023
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The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority acknowledges the expertise, wisdom, and enduring connections that have informed the guardianship of the Reef for millennia. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners as the first managers of this land and sea, and value their traditional knowledge which continues to inform the current management and stewardship of the Reef for future generations.