Traditional Owners and partnering organisations are working towards a co-designed, modern marine park management approach that is informed by western scientific and traditional knowledge systems to protect the Great Barrier Reef.
Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements
Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements (TUMRAs) describe how Great Barrier Reef Traditional Owner groups work in partnership with the Australian and Queensland governments to manage traditional use activities on their sea country.
About Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements
Indigenous Land Use Agreements
Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) are voluntary agreements between a native title group and others about the use of land and waters. These agreements allow people to negotiate flexible, pragmatic agreements to suit their circumstances.
About Indigenous Land Use Agreements
Indigenous Protected Areas
Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) are sections of land and sea managed by Indigenous groups as protected areas for biodiversity conservation through voluntary agreements with the Australian Government.
About Indigenous Protected Areas
Native Title
The Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) recognises the rights and interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in land and waters according to traditional laws and customs. Native Title claims and determinations can be searched for on the national register.
Most Traditional Owner groups along the mainland coast of the Region continue to exercise their native title rights, including hunting or collecting under section 211 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth). Many Traditional Owner groups with an accredited Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement, have set a voluntary moratorium on the harvest of turtles and dugongs. For those agreements that include hunting, harvest limits have been negotiated and formally assessed for sustainability prior to an accreditation decision. The accredited agreements enable groups to manage traditional harvest sustainably through a process of permitting, monitoring, recording and supporting compliance actions.
Traditional Owner and Marine Parks Management Portal
The Traditional Owner and Marine Parks Management Portal is a public repository displaying different spatial data layers that relate to the Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef, and more broadly across Queensland. It’s been developed to provide spatial relevance for decisions involving Native Title and Marine Park Management boundaries.
Traditional Owner and Marine Parks Management Portal
Explore with the map
Interact with the Land and Sea Country map for further geographical information. The map has the option to display multiple data layers relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including (but not limited to) the three (3) default layers (TUMRAs, ILUAs and IPAs). The map legend, layers and filters are accessed using the white icons in the blue box in the top right corner of the map.